Chatting with PDF


To develop an intelligent application that allows users to engage in interactive conversations with PDF documents. The goal is to enable seamless querying and extraction of key information from PDFs, using advanced natural language processing techniques.

Purpose and Benefits:

In many scenarios, users need to extract specific information from lengthy PDF documents quickly and efficiently. This project addresses that need by allowing users to interact directly with PDF content, asking questions and receiving accurate answers, thereby saving time and improving information accessibility.

Target Audience:

This application is designed for professionals, researchers, and students who frequently work with PDF documents and need to retrieve information quickly without manually searching through the text.


LangChain Framework Integration: The project is built on the LangChain framework, which provides the infrastructure for creating conversational AI models. This framework allows for the seamless integration of language models with PDF parsing and query response mechanisms.


Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG): RAG techniques were employed to ensure that the system can retrieve relevant content from the PDF before generating a response. This enhances the accuracy and relevance of the answers provided by the application.

PDF Parsing and Information Extraction: The application parses PDF documents, extracting text and metadata to make the content searchable and queryable. This step ensures that the application can handle various types of PDFs and extract information accurately.

Streamlit Interface Development: A user-friendly interface was developed using Streamlit, allowing users to easily upload PDFs and interact with the document’s content. The interface provides a simple way for users to ask questions and receive responses from the system.

OpenAI API Integration: The OpenAI API was integrated to power the natural language processing capabilities of the application, enabling it to understand and respond to user queries in a conversational manner.

Testing and Deployment: The application underwent thorough testing to ensure it could handle different types of PDFs and provide accurate responses. Once validated, the application was made available via a GitHub repository for further use and development.

Streamlit App Streamlit App

Technologies Used:

Framework: LangChain for conversational AI.
Retrieval-Augmented Generation: For precise information retrieval.
PDF Parsing: Python libraries like PyMuPDF or pdfminer for text extraction.
UI Development: Streamlit for building the user interface.
API Integration: OpenAI API for natural language processing.
Version Control: GitHub for source code management and collaboration.


A fully functional LangChain-based application with Streamlit UI for interacting with PDFs.
Documentation and code available for further customization and enhancement.


Github- ChatWithPdf