App-based Empty Parking Spot Detection


To design and implement an intelligent parking system that detects and displays the availability of parking spots in real-time. The system aims to simplify the parking process for users by providing accurate and immediate information on parking space occupancy through a mobile application and various display components.


This project aims to enhance parking efficiency through an intelligent car parking system. By leveraging infrared technology and Arduino sensors, the system provides real-time data on parking slot availability, simplifying the parking process and improving user experience.

Key Components:

  • Infrared Transmitters and Receivers: Positioned in each parking lane, these components are critical for detecting the presence or absence of vehicles, ensuring accurate monitoring of slot occupancy.
  • LED Indicators: Each parking slot features an LED that changes color to indicate whether the spot is occupied or available.
  • LCD Display: Installed at the parking entrance, the LCD display provides an overview of parking slot status across all lanes.
  • Mobile Application: Data from the sensors is visualized on a mobile app via Bluetooth, allowing users to view real-time parking information.

System Workflow:

  • Sensor Detection: Infrared transmitters and receivers detect vehicle presence in each parking spot.
  • LED Indicators: LEDs in each lane signal the availability of parking spots by changing color (e.g., green for available, red for occupied).
  • Entrance Gate LCD Display: An LCD display at the entrance gate offers a visual summary of the parking area, showing the status of all lanes.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: The system continuously monitors parking slot occupancy, providing immediate updates to users.
    Parking Mini
  • Mobile App Visualization: Real-time data is transmitted via Bluetooth to a mobile app, allowing users to check parking availability remotely.
    Parking Mini
  • Read more here


  • Efficient Parking Navigation: Helps drivers quickly locate available parking spots, reducing time spent searching for a space.
  • Reduced Congestion: Minimizes traffic congestion by streamlining the parking process and reducing the time spent in search of parking.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Offers an intuitive interface through LED and LCD displays, as well as a mobile app, enhancing user accessibility and experience.
  • Optimized Space Utilization: Improves the management of parking spaces, preventing blockages and ensuring better use of available spots.


  • Functional Parking Detection System: A complete setup with infrared transmitters, receivers, LEDs, and LCD displays for real-time monitoring of parking spaces.
  • Arduino Code: Custom code written for Arduino to detect vehicles using UV sensors and control LED indicators based on parking slot occupancy.
  • Mobile Application: A Bluetooth-enabled mobile app that displays real-time parking availability and status.